It is long past time for lawsuits to be filed on the behalf of the side of good vs the fucked up inbred desert death cult of Decepticons about to attempt a total ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
Their “Holocaust” shit is a fucking hoax. What we were taught in “Holocaust” class is fiction. Absolute retarded bullshit. This is the psyop of all psyops.
A certain Austrian painter called it “The Big Lie” – a psychological technique the J E W S use to tell such a big lie it fucks your brain up to believe part of it is totes true, but it ain’t. It’s a fucking BIG LIE.
SO –
#1 Time to sue the United States Government for violating the 1st amendment in the Bill of Rights. By an act of Congress establishing the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the United States violated the 1st amendment prohibition of the government from forming a state religion. This state religion was spearheaded and designed and molded by a literal Rabbi. Rabbi Michael Berenbaum. Not a scientist or historian, but a fucking rabbi. This is who designed the exhibits. He is creating modern mythology which violates the laws of physics with public money on public land given to this museum by an act of Congress. All rabbis follow the Babylonian Talmud. This book teaches that SOMEONE, some enemy of the Jewish cult, is boiling in a vat of semen and/or excrement in hell. Some say this person is supposed to represent Jesus. I don’t care either way. Some sick pervert Rabbi who believes in this kind of shit hoaxed a modern Jew DLC religion onto me. muh HOLOCAWZ.
This is a blatant violation of the Constitution. The exhibits and falsehoods proposed by RABBI BERENBAUM oppose the laws of physics. From his Mengele falsehoods to his claiming doors of clothing fumigation chambers at Majdanek are homicidal gas chamber doors.
It’s TIME TO SUE – but I can’t do it without you. This will all take much longer for me to self fund the filing fee, etc. DONATE –
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