I have thoughts to collect on this. I have tried to make reaction videos and have tripped over my words for days.
It is too much to put into words when Nick says I changed the course of his life with my video.
I knew WE needed a general overview video to show to the younger generation.
The video succeeded and red pilled a generation.
It is absolutely wild to hear in such concrete terms how my no budget work of art and science I made as a blacklisted refugee former political prisoner of Kamala Harris has changed a young thought leader’s life.
I feel many parallels with how Nick felt in college. What kind of world am I going out into? Boomer Zio-slavery? Fuck that. I wanted to make a video for the younger me, and holy shit – it worked.
Overall I have my critiques of Nick but he is young and hopefully will be open to listen to voices like mine. I also love Ukraine and made this video in Ukraine. I hope I redpilled a good guy and not a bad guy trying to help reform the cruel tyrannical Soviet Union for a KGB glowie boomer nostalgic for the tyranny of the USSR like a retard. One of the coolest things about the right wing was how Ronald Reagan defeated the evil empire of the USSR and freed Europe.
I want Nick to host “Questioning the Holocaust : Why We Believed” PART 2 ! !!! Don’t you?
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