FILED 1st Lawsuit of 2025 – Steven Spielberg, Netflix, Irene Zisblatt, and “The Last Days” fraud collaborators

It is imperative to hold “Holocaust” Hoaxers accountable. Make no mistake, these child tormenting cultist fucks need criminal charges pressed against them.

Prosecutors right now don’t have the brains or balls to do it. But in the meantime, we can use the civilian court system to shine a light on these monsters and their monstrous fraud.

The first lawsuit of 2025 is against scatbrained Steven Spielberg, Netflix, vile lying child abuser Irene Zisblatt, and other scumbag Holohoaxers who made an Oscar winning documentary featuring multiple pathological liars. From a black guy who says he stormed Normandy first and broke down the gates of Dachau to a Jew who claims she ate her own shit for a year to hide diamonds inside her body, it’s all a fucking sick hoax from the sick mind of child predator scat fetishist Steven Spielberg. Total filth Zionist hoax, a test on how stupid and gullible you are forced upon children in classrooms across America and the world. Now on Netflix. My grandfather loaded the planes that headed to Normandy. I will fight this stolen valor shit until I die. Stealing valor from Normandy fallen is a line I don’t fucking play with – fuck your cult. Smash this cabal.


The Last Days of the Big Lie

More lawsuits to come. DONATE to the Legal Offense fund.