In 2024, the Christarded Putin shill Candace Owens, who makes documentaries claiming Macron’s wife has a dick for Russian bloodmoney, was banned from a planned speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand for accidently stumbling across the HoloHoax death star plans- the fact that Dr. Josef Mengele, who the Jews claim was Dr. Frankenstein and hoaxed upon the highest personal kill count of anyone in human history was 4reals a good boy who dindu nuffin.

Releasing rough cuts of parts of the forthcoming video project “EYE HEART MENGELE”

The Siamese Twin Sewing Experiment of the Sadistic and Notorious and Notoriously Sadistic Dr. Josef Mengele

The “Blue Eye Color Change” experiment hoax the jews push to make European derived people hate themselves and be subjugated to their f’d up cult

Dropping soon –

The Oscar Winning, Fake as Fuck Definitely NOT a Mengele “Experiment” Victim Irene Zisblatt

Part 4 – We hear from real Mengele Twins on what Dr. Josef Mengele’s research was actually about

Part 5 – The Gas Shower of Doom of Dr. FrankenMengele

Part 6 – Burying Dr. Mengele

On Dr. Josef Mengele – The Holocaust Hoax Museum – Thoughts here as the project is in progress

Josef Mengele Hoax Scam Auschwitz