In 2024, the Christarded Putin shill Candace Owens, who makes documentaries claiming Macron’s wife has a dick for Russian bloodmoney, was banned from a planned speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand for accidently stumbling across the HoloHoax death star plans- the fact that Dr. Josef Mengele, who the Jews claim was Dr. Frankenstein and hoaxed upon the highest personal kill count of anyone in human history was 4reals a good boy who dindu nuffin.
Releasing rough cuts of parts of the forthcoming video project “EYE HEART MENGELE”

Dropping soon –
The Oscar Winning, Fake as Fuck Definitely NOT a Mengele “Experiment” Victim Irene Zisblatt

Part 4 – We hear from real Mengele Twins on what Dr. Josef Mengele’s research was actually about

Part 5 – The Gas Shower of Doom of Dr. FrankenMengele

Part 6 – Burying Dr. Mengele
On Dr. Josef Mengele – The Holocaust Hoax Museum – Thoughts here as the project is in progress
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