Some thoughts about what I have learned about Dr. Josef Mengele. I am busy having to edit a professional style documentary by myself on my own dime. I am frustrated I have dozens of hours of work in front of me to complete the project. The information should speak for itself.
I always thought sitting in school at 16 years old being forced to watch Spielberg’s sick fucking hoax The Last Days – this Dr. Mengele blue eye color change experiment shit makes no logical sense to me…but what do I know? I’m 16…surely some adult has looked into this? NOPE. This shit is forced upon us by Jewish “historians” including literal Rabbi top hoaxer Michael Berenbaum “historian” of the Last Days and the rabid rabbi responsible for the US Holocaust Museum’s exhibits.
I want to say this – Dr. Josef Mengele is an innocent man. This man is NO BABY KILLER. Dr. Joe is innocent of ALL the Dr. Frankenstein shit and the gas shower of doom shit too. The vile vindictive Jewish cult MUST be held responsible for “The Holocaust” gas showers of Dr. Frankenmengele hoax.
Individuals such as Irene Zisblatt who commit the most immoral perjury imaginable against this innocent doctor belong in prison – look what they did to Ursula Haverbeck. The families of the Zisblatt types who enabled and collaborated with this Zionist fraud must be held responsible. Stuart Mermelstein, etc.
Mengele was not a fucking surgeon. Mengele was an anthropologist who studied external features of humans. Dr. Joe performed anthropological surveys on growing twins similar to those performed on German twins by his mentor and boss at the Kaiser Wilhelm institute von Verschuer. I am a fraternal twin. If I were in Auschwitz, I would have crawled across barbed wire to be one of Mengele’s subjects. Far better than carrying heavy stones in the roadmaking labor crews. Mengele’s angels were literal VIPs.
Mengele attempted an “experimental therapy” to attempt to change the defective, albino like blue eye of a gypsy with a rare as yet unnamed genetic syndrome INTO BROWN in order to shield the eye from deadly ocular tuberculosis which just contributed to the death of the patient’s brother. Mengele used painless adrenaline drops often used today to treat glaucoma. Almost all medical treatments in the 1940’s were “experimental.” It was still the early days of modern medicine. The term “experiment” is Jewish hoaxery in order to conjure up the image of Human Centipede like Dr. Frankenstein sadistic surgical fuckery. Experiment my ass ! And I don’t mean human centipede style.
The man was an anthropologist who barely knew shit about surgery. In fact Dr. Joe was quite squeamish when asked to kill an animal to eat. He said he would rather starve. This man was NO MASS MURDERING SADIST ! QUITE THE FUCKING CONTRARY!
The man Mengele was a kind, beloved human being who is giving a genuine smile in almost all his photographs. Dr. Mengele gave double rations to the twins in his care as he studied their growing bodies. “SPECIAL TREATMENT” indeed as the twins studied in Mengele’s anthroplogic research were given nice clothes, did not have to shave their hair, and were treated well, so well, they were kept alive to whine and take away OUR FREE SPEECH RIGHTS TO EXPOSE THEIR SCAM – MENGELE TWINS 100 years old. I won’t live to 100 because of the persecution these hoaxers put upon me for DECADES. The Mengele whiners (the real ones like the 100 year old bitch in Australia not the fake non-twin non-Mengele “experiment” “victim” Irene Zisblatt) were kept in GREAT SHAPE by Dr. Mengele.
Mengele gave chocolate to children at Auschwitz, children of such ages that aren’t supposed to even exist according to the official Jewish Holocaust religious mythology Judeo-Christian DLC. You’re supposed to gas the worthless unable to work toddlers immediately in a fake shower room with the slow acting pesticide used on clothing you idiot, not give them chocolate !
Dr. Joe stopped children from being harmed, breaking up abuse as he saw it.
EVERYONE at Auschwitz would have been DEAD if not for the ANGEL Dr. Josef Mengele. The Germans could have kept the retarded cultist fucks locked in those barbed wires and let the typhus carrying body lice destroy them all.
Dr. Joe successfully fought the typhus epidemic by forcing these retarded Jews to dunk in hot baths full of lysol and take showers even literal saunas and they whine about it 80 years later. Assholes like Eva Moses Kor who spread the human soap rumors were directed to get in the fucking shower more often and stop acting like retards spreading atrocity lies about goddamned human fat soap.
The fucking lying Jews faked the highest personal kill count of anyone in human history upon this magnificent man who took the Hippocratic oath to do no harm which supersedes any SS oath. Especially to any science minded good hearted doctor as Joe sure as fuck was.
Jews hate Dr. Joe because he could tell who the fuck they were just by looking at their face. In the age before DNA testing, Mengele was a master of a politically incorrect suppressed art and science. The ability to look at the external features of a person’s face and know many, many things about them. This goes beyond having a Jewish nose or not. This goes into many things…I will teach it soon. I call it The Mengele Method.
If (((they))) the fucked up inbred cult of Decepticons can hoax this “Dr. Frankenstein with a million kill count” absurd shit upon a beloved, kind, charismatic, and gentle German doctor, they can do the same kind of shit to all of us. And they do. They did it to me.
We are all Mengele.
– Eric Hunt
Chief Noticing Occifer (yes spelled like that)
“El La Holobunga¿” HOAX Museum
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