Treblinka Archaeology Hoax – 10 Year Anniversary

This asshole walks backwards through a shower facility at Majdanek into a clothing fumigation room claiming it’s a muh gas shower of doom.

Just like the Soviets wanted her to.

She needs her ass sued and I’m the guy to do it. Fund my lawsuits and it happens.

Dr. Mengele’s Assistant here…saying take BABBY’s 1st red pill already, grow the fuck up. That shit is fiction. Talkin 2k year old wizards n shit like it’s real. Holy fucking shit.


Steven Spielberg’s Ass Diamonds of Auschwitz LAWSUIT 2025
2025 - Eye Heart Mengele Project

The Sadistic and Notorious and Notoriously Sadistic Siamese Twin Sewing Experiment of Dr. Josef MengeleĀ 

In 2024, A Jewish lynch mob successfully lobbied to have Candace Owens banned from Australia and New Zealand because she accidently stumbled across their Mengele hoax.

This retarded inbred cult pinned the highest personal kill count in human history on a sweet INNOCENT man who they big lie and hoax did Frankenstein shit. An anthropologist, who was not even a surgeon.

The Blue Eye Color Change "Experiment" Hoax of the Jews -

Spoiler alert - (((they))) just hate white people.

Jews forced us to believe Dr. Mengele tried to make everyone in the world's eyes blue for Hitler. This is a total lie and a well concealed devious racial attack on blue eyed Europeans who Jews view as their primary enemy.

Dr. Joe tried to turn one albino-like blue eye of a Sinti gypsy with a rare genetic disorder INTO BROWN in order to shield the eye from deadly ocular tuberculosis.

A total inversion of what we were forced to believe as we were racially harangued by this fucked up desert cult of decepticons.
